Holistic Therapies

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is closely related to osteopathy in its development and is often recommended in addition to medical treatment. This Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to healing that focuses on the craniosacral system, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids, and connective tissues. 

The therapist uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of the fluids in and around the central nervous system and stimulates the craniosacral system along the skull, spine and sacrum. Deep tensions in the tissue and fascia are released, blood circulation is improved and the nervous system is regulated. It gently unwinds your  nervous system from patterns of compression, hyper vigilance and inertia and promotes you states of ease, resource and flow for wellbeing, health and immunity. 

This therapy is suitable for people of all ages. Oftentimes it provides a lot of positive change in just a few sessions, whether for physical or emotional-mental complaints and illnesses, whether acute or chronic. My treatments last two hours, including the pre- and post-treatment consultation. With care and attention, I always try to create a calm and focussed atmosphere for your wellbeing.

Application of the Craniosacral method

✔︎  Relief of chronic pain, joint, muscle, head and back pain
✔︎  Relief of migraines, teeth grinding
✔︎  Relief of herniated disc, avoidance of surgery; Scoliosis
✔︎  Stabilization after a physical injury or emotional trauma; post-concussion syndrome
✔︎  Regeneration after strokes and surgeries
✔︎  Improvement of sleep problems
✔︎  Recovery and emotional processing from anxiety and panic attacks
✔︎  Recovery and emotional processing from excessive stress, Burn-out syndrome, depression
✔︎  Support in difficult life situations, loss and grief
✔︎  Treatment of psychosomatic complaints; Fibromyalgia
✔︎  Treatment of neuralgia, neurodegenerative diseases; Epilepsy


The deeply relaxing massages are an oasis of calm and strength. Practiced for thousands of years across various cultures, massage encompasses a wide range of techniques and styles, each with its own specific benefits. Manipulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body promotes relaxation, reduces tension, and improves overall wellbeing.

Alternating between energetic and gentle movements not only relieves tension in the body, but also in the mind. The preventative potential of massages and the power of touch are often underestimated. But they can make us better equipped both physically and emotionally for the challenges of everyday life.

My massage treatments are primarily aimed at calming the nervous system, relaxing the muscles and relieving those tensions which cause mild pain. For chronic and deep-seated tensions, I suggest cupping massage, Chi Ney Tsang or Craniosacral Therapy.


Cupping Therapy is an ancient practice that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. I use the traditional way: the suction is created by heating the air by a small flame inside the cup. This suction draws the skin and underlying tissue into the cup. It improves the circulation, releases  tension, reduces inflammation and pain. It activates and strengthens the body’s natural healing powers.

Cupping is also indicated for detox and cellulitis. It is commonly used in different cultures around the world like in traditional Chinese, Oriental or Mayan Medicine. The cupping treatments in my practice are always combined with massage through my hands. 

deep tension, colds, digestive problems, rheumatic diseases, circulatory disorders, cardiovascular diseases, gynaecological or urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, cellulite.

Cupping can provide relief for the following complaints:

✔︎  deep tension
✔︎  colds
✔︎  digestive problems
✔︎  rheumatic diseases
✔︎  circulatory disorders
✔︎  cardiovascular diseases
✔︎  gynaecological or urinary tract disorders
✔︎  bronchial asthma
✔︎  cellulite

Biomagnetic Therapy

I also offer Biomagnetic Therapy in my practice. Medical biomagnetism was developed by Dr Isaac Goiz in Mexico in the 1980s and has since spread across continents. It is used to diagnose and treat illnesses caused by pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites) and physical imbalances.

After a detailed consultation, various points in the body are tested with the magnets and magnets are applied for approx. 30 minutes according to the result.
I often give magnets for further treatment at home. 

Chi Ney Tsang

This massage of the abdominal organs was practised by Taoist monks and nuns in ancient China and later developed further by the master Mantak Chia. It releases blockages, harmonises and strengthens the energy (Chi). Chi Ney Tsang can be compared with the relatively young tradition of visceral osteopathy in Europe. 

Some fields of application are: Detoxification, digestive disorders, gynaecological complaints (PMS, menopause, unfulfilled desire to have children, fibroids), urinary tract problems (incontinence, nervous bladder) or emotional conditions such as depression, anger or anxiety. 

When deep-seated tension in the intestinal area is released, chronic pain in the back or neck muscles is often alleviated.